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Jerms Black, born in St. Croix, grew up in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, falling to the temptation of hustling and the illegalities that can come with street life in BK. While incarcerated, Jerms vowed to keep his life on on straight path if he was spared an extensive bid. That opportunity arrived in the form of an acquittal, and according to his bio, Jerms Black has since stuck to his vow, pursuing the legal high that comes with creating and independently distributing music.

In the years Jerms has been building his craft, he has crossed paths with artists such as Nappy Roots and producers such as Easy Mo Bee,  and made appearances on several show stages and many mixtapes. His single, “Da Paper,” is currently available on iTunes.

Tracks Produced By Ras (X)

Listen, That Club Shit…Album: Paper Dough (2003)
